Compensate your journey's carbon footprint by supporting

the most impactful climate projects around the world.

Start your journey

by addressing it's footprint

Take responsibility for your travel footprint with World Nomads and CHOOOSE™. The money from your offset gets invested into the most impactful CO2 reducing projects around the world.


Calculate and offset the emissions from transportation and accommodation related to your journey.


Your payment supports certified carbon reduction projects that actively combat climate change.


Receive a certificate recognizing that you have accounted for your journey's carbon emissions.

“The type of offsetting projects that is socialising and promoting represents the best standards of international emission reductions available today.”

Niclas Svenningsen​

Manager, Global Climate Action at UNFCCC

Your travel footprint matters

Traveling has an impact on climate. There is no way around it. One of the most impactful actions we can take as responsible travelers is to keep our climate impact as low as possible when we explore the world. At World Nomads, we have made it simple for you to address the unavoidable climate footprint of your journey and make a positive contribution.

With simple steps, you can ensure that your journey's carbon emissions are being counted for and reduced via some of the best climate projects around the world. With our footprint calculator, you can calculate and pay for the CO2e emissions related to your journey. Your contribution goes directly to supporting CO2 reducing climate projects. The projects are verified by the most comprehensive and stringent international standards.


CHOOOSE™ delivers a platform that enables both individuals and organizations to connect with the best CO2e reducing climate projects around the world. Through its API for climate impact, CHOOOSE programmatically calculates your travel footprint and provides you with the option to seamlessly offset your journey.

The money from your offset is being invested in climate projects by buying carbon credits on your behalf. More simply put, you financially support projects which reduce greenhouse gas emissions (including CO2) in developing countries around the world. These projects are carefuly selected by an international carbon advisory team, verified by third-party auditors (e.g. DNV GL) and certified by recognized certification standards (e.g. United Nations).

Carbon offsetting FAQ

Spread the word

Share your initiative and make a difference by informing other travellers on the importance of offsetting.

World Nomads is a team of global citizens, customer advocates and creative storytellers. We’re here to support you to explore your boundaries. We offer simple and flexible travel insurance and safety advice to help you travel confidently. Because we believe in giving back to the places we travel to, we also enable you to make a difference with a micro-donation when you buy with us.
